martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Lance de la atarralla

There are many ways to throw a cast net. If you need to find the right method, or just need to practice, we have several videos available to order.
If you ask 5 people you will likely get 5 different methods of throwing it. So to get you started, here is one for you, demonstrated for those who are right handed.

throwing a cast net
1. Attatch the end of the hand line to your wrist by either slide your hand through the loop at the end or make a second loop as shown then attatch to wrist.
throwing a cast net
2. Collect the rest of your hand line and hold it in the same hand.
throwing a cast net
3. Grab on to the top of the cast net, just below the horn.
throwing a cast net
4. With your right hand, straighten up the net and slide your right hand down by your right hip.
throwing a cast net
5. Take the webbing on your right hand and place it in your left hand with the rest of the net handing over.
throwing a cast net
6. Pick up the section of lead line closest to you.
throwing a cast net
7. There are many people who like to put the LEAD line in their mouth...not sure why, but for the sake of health and this tutorial, we will throw this section of lead line over your left arm. The effect is the same.
throwing a cast net
8. Now, with your right hand, reach under the cast net and grab about half of the net. So you'll end up with about half the weight on your left hand and half on the right.
throwing a cast net
9. Use your fingers and move the lead line so that it is enclosed in your right hand.
throwing a cast net
10. Face your target area with both hands up at around elbow height.
throwing a cast net
11. Swing the cast net about 45 degrees to your left while keeping your foot stationary.
throwing a cast net
12. Throw! Release right hand first immediately followed by left while keeping your left hand close to your body.
throwing a cast net
13. Your cast net should open up as shown. Now just wait around 10 seconds until the net sinks to the bottom and pull up by the hand line.If you've picked a good spot, you will have all the bait you need!

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